Some data providers choose to upload datasets but restrict access for their own private use, or because there may be reasons why this data can’t be made freely available to the public at this stage.
Potential reasons include:
- Confidentiality considerations (users may be required to sign a confidentiality agreement)
- Multiple Interested Parties who have IP interests but have not yet agreed a data sharing agreement
- Custom pricing outside the normal pricing framework
We can facilitate your enquiry by forwarding a Data Application to the data provider for a fixed application fee of $20 per dataset (regardless of dataset size).
Before proceeding with a Data Application, please note the following conditions apply:
- Data applications typically take about 1 week to process for a decision on its availability (this may involve contacting multiple parties and undertaking database and legal searches). Recovering the data itself may take even longer.
- There is no guarantee that your application will be successful (the application fee is not refundable)
- You may be required to sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement before downloading data
- Additional download costs may apply which are beyond the GeoReports pricing framework (for example, the data owner may charge their own archive recovery fee)
If you accept these conditions, please complete the Data Application Form by completing the form on the following page:
[purchase_link id=’9433′ text=’Proceed with Data Application ($20 Fee)’ style=’button’ color=’blue’]